Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Observations from Fred's 6.13

I like the title of this post, I always wanted to do it. I've written about Fred's often but I have never actually written from Fred's. Fred's would be Fred's Tavern and Liquor Store of Stone Harbor, New Jersey. I have been having beverages here for, well, I shouldn't say because I wouldn't want to admit to doing anything technically illegal. Suffice to say I have been drinking here for many years.

Suppose you figured out that my being at Fred's means I must be in Stone Harbor, very true. Much earlier in the summer than I usually get here but I never turn down time at the beach house and I may have other travel plans later in the summer so I jumped at the chance. Foxy and I had an awesome drive down the coast on a gorgeous evening, taking almost five hours instead of less than three.
As always the first stop was Fred's.

The word may be overused but Fred's really is iconic. Stone harbor and Avalon have changed dramatically over the years I have been coming here. Along Seven Mile Beach block after block of charming bungalows and small beach house have been torn down and replaced by huge hermetically sealed monstrosities costing literally millions of dollars.
A quick search of the Atlantic Beach Realty website shows the highest priced home for sale at a price of ... $6,950,000.
Seems the 1% spends its money on more than overpriced art.

But Fred's is still Fred's. Other than some much needed remodeling and the addition of WiFi it hasn't changed much since I first walked through the door a dozen years ago. Some of the employees, and I swear some of the bands, have been here for years but mostly it's college kids lucky enough to score one of the sweetest summer jobs on the Jersey shore.

My Jersey shore.

Fred's always feels like home, like I never left.

Observations from the Window 6.13

Yesterday I was looking for some new tunes for my weekend shore trip and I found this video of an old tune, Frank Sinatra's "That's Life." Yes sometimes I'm gay and listen to Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin too, blame my mom. The video was a project by than University of Winchester Media Studies student Georgia Rainbow. Not exactly the beach music I was looking for but I can't stop watching it.


"Hi this is my second year project for my Media Studies A-Level. On here you cant really tell but when you see the man on stage it is in old age film in which gives it the old feel with the age effect! I enjoyed making this from creating the lighting on the stage to editing!
I hope you enjoy it to!

The story I created was about a man who was a performer who had everything he ever dreamed of, from having his name in lights to just being able to perform on stage. In my video I have captured from how you see him being on stage at his best performing and then walking around the streets of London as if he was still in his prime. For every star there is always an end and for this performer he didnt want to believe that it was and I have shown this from showing him walking into the theatre and walking round London dressed smart as if he still had everything. However when you see him chucked out of the theatre you see he is only a tramp living on the streets trying to make his dream become real again. I show the difference between the realities of him being on stage by using an old age effect to show that was the past, but when showing him walking into the theatre and around London you see he is still dressed smart but life around him has changed. When his career ended he didnt let it go and by trying too hard to get back onto stage he forgot about his responsibilities he ended up losing his home, his money and even his family and now living on the streets still trying to get back on stage."