I know what you are thinking already, it's too early for 2016 talk, and you would be correct. Hillary Clinton will be leaving the State Department soon and she says she isn't going to run for President but honestly why should she say otherwise? If she did run she could wait until just before the primaries began to announce and it would be more a coronation than a campaign. Any presidential campaign would be a combination of the Clinton and Obama machines, two of he greatest political machines the country has ever known. There isn't a thing the Republicans could throw at her that hasn't already been in the past twenty years. If she won there would be children who only ever knew a black or a women president and that boggles my mind.
But it's way too early to even talk about it and the only reason I even mention her running is this video. Last Friday night Hillary spoke at the Saban Forum, a sort of Israeli-American Clinton Initiative, where she was introduced by this video. I love the Clinton's so the video is worth watching for what 'officially' is, a retirement video, and it is good. The thing is if it reminds you of one of those campaign kickoff convention videos you wouldn't be alone.
So much can change in the next couple years but as Tony Blair says in the video, "I just have an instinct that the best is yet to come."
But it's way too early to even talk about it and the only reason I even mention her running is this video. Last Friday night Hillary spoke at the Saban Forum, a sort of Israeli-American Clinton Initiative, where she was introduced by this video. I love the Clinton's so the video is worth watching for what 'officially' is, a retirement video, and it is good. The thing is if it reminds you of one of those campaign kickoff convention videos you wouldn't be alone.
So much can change in the next couple years but as Tony Blair says in the video, "I just have an instinct that the best is yet to come."