Sunday, January 31, 2010

from the window, Queers

We were working in the gallery yesterday when a woman walked in, mid 50s and dressed to black perfection, but seemingly upset about something. In the end it turned out she had overheard a staight couple talking on the street. Something to the effect of ‘I have never seen so many queers before in my life’. This totally upset her and I just had no idea why or what to say. Maybe it was the age difference but I think I would have looked at them and said ‘nice isn’t it’.

To me it’s just a word. My brother will be the first to tell you I ‘am’ queer and always have been. Than again maybe he has something else in mind. Some gays will say it’s inappropriate for any straight person to use the word queer. For them I leave this vid.

Lewis Black

This just seems to be one of those times I’m writing to make myself think. Just trying to understand how that woman felt. I guess I’m just too proud or arrogant to let a word bother me now. Maybe in high school I felt different but today call me what ever you want. The worst thing you can possibly think of. It will just bring that evil little knowing smile to my face. I’ll have to think about all this another day.

For now I’m just a woman who loves women. That works for me.


In a related note, a new activist group, Queer Rising, announced its existence on Martin Luther King Day. Now that is gay.

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