Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Observations from the Salon 3.7

Ash and I long ago came to an agreement on music in the gallery, first one in picks the tunes. Obviously when only one of is she is the one who picks. Ash leans towards dance and pop while I take the rock and metal, somehow the middle ground is Lady Gaga which I'll never understand. It always has worked perfectly and people have commented they know who is there before they even see anybody.

Now and than Nicole decides that in her official capacity as assistant she should make important decisions and Monday was such a day. Nicole decided she would pick the soundtrack for the opening of Salon Zürcher and what was it she picked? Yes that would be Carrie Underwood. The geek in me came up with a solution which I borrowed from a radio station back in State College. I linked Ash and Nicole's iPods with my netbook and created one huge shuffle. Metallica faded into Keisha into something called country and all was right in the world.

At this point Bernard Z asked for Jazz.

The best laid plans.

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