Sunday, October 24, 2010

Observations from the Window 10.24, Scribbles

Working on my French at the gallery today ....

Si je vous ai dit comment je me sentais,
Souhaitez-vous rire?
Souhaitez-vous pleurer?
Pourriez-vous me détestez?
Ou souhaitez-vous sourire?

Si je vous ai dit ce que je pensais,
Souhaitez-vous partir?
Souhaitez-vous rester?
Pourriez-vous me frapper?
Ou seriez-vous d'accord?

Si je vous disais ce que je voulais faire,
Pourriez-vous me repousser?
Pourriez-vous me refuser?
Pourriez-vous me refuser?
Ou voulez-vous me laisser?

Si je vous ai dit que je vous ai aimés,
Souhaitez vos parents me haïr?
Votre famille me déteste?
Pourriez-vous me détestez?
Ou voulez-vous m'aimer en retour?

Souhaitez-vous m'aimer en retour .....

Sandrine Kiberlain - La Chanteuse


  1. update - thanks for the email inquiries but I'm sorry i couldn't help you out. Like I answered, for now you just have to figure out what it means on your own. maybe sometime I'll post the translation, than again maybe I wont :)

    btw one person has so far. It really isn't that hard.

  2. Tellement belle, ta poeme, ma belle.

    Although - I was curious as to why you are using "vous" instead of "tu"?


  3. merci :)

    why? because in the end my french is terrible and I always mix those two up! whats a language have two words for you for anyways?

  4. Vous is the formal form of you. You would use vous for someone you've never met before, a boss, someone above you in "societal ranking".

    Tu is the amicable form of you. You'd use it with an acquaintance, a friend, a lover, family

    Complicated, isn't it?


  5. it is! ill end up insulting somebody some how, but i keep trying

  6. It's not insulting. It's just a bit too formal to confess deep emotion.

